Thursday, March 16, 2023

Blue ; Shell ; Circle ; Dawn.

The early dawn that day
was never meant to be seen by me
because the simple taste of exhaustion
put me to a well-earned sleep
I woke up a bit later than usual that day
with an obvious peace
felt through to my bones;
the kind that comes right after
a month of the hustle-bustle of
our bittersweet lives.

The sky was a type of blue
that I have only read in books about
Its something I've always imagined
a happy sky to look like
of course it was nothing compared to the mighty blue
I could see in front of me
Where the river circled to meet the ocean
And touch, shyly while the wind blew by
ever so mildly 
carrying the salty hints
of a nice day

Little did we take in this view
that we switched our attention
to the myriad of tiny precious things
That filled the sand
Those shells being picked
are somewhat of a tradition
a bond, a memory
of a necklace-making activity!
Oh if I could I would pause the time 
in that moment when my shoes had
more shells than it could hold
because we got creative with the idea of a bag of shells!
I'd rewind to the moment I first tried
the cute crustacean 
for breakfast of all times!
I'd rewind it and play it all over again
but I'm glad its over
as it gives me something to look back to
a moment of sanity I can count on
For as long as my memory serves me well...

PS- we played a game where we throw in a few words and two of us had to come up with a poem using those four words in the same meaning... IN FIVE MINUTES. 
it was super fun, and the title you see here is those exact four words.
While I tweaked a few things to post it here, the majority of it was within the time frame :) 
here's to a fun walk in our beloved boundaries!

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