Friday, April 1, 2022

Step on your toes!

When you hear these strange quotes about growing up and moving away you tend to cringe, so here I am with your daily dose of cringe. Phone calls and texts are something that I know the value of but never knew of the powers they behold. When I'm down all I need are just a few words of affirmation and endless patience to hear me rant on and on about the same thing while I ask a million times "am I right in thinking so", easy right? Well, some people tolerate it anyways and I'd love to share some of the most random incidents with them that made me smile like the sun came out for me!

One night I get a call from you and you tell me a few features you like about me. I mean, considering the randomness I knew the purpose it served but you don't know how your choice of person made me feel! I was ecstatic and high-pitched as you spoke and just knew that if I was with you we'd have done something even crazier! 

One day you're telling us you're in Goa, only later do we realize that you're HOME! I mean, we've established your craziness but the fact that we kinda believed you, still makes me smile. Of course, the days you went MIA, all because of the geniuses who disconnected your wifi was a whole other scene. I expected that from you and wanted to hug and just give you a dirty look when you sent me your screen time...

One day you tell me people think you're extroverted! I laughed thinking maybe you do have the potential but I didn't have the chance to witness it! Your newfound extrovertedness however led people to think they can take your power bank without asking!? How dare they!

One day you told me you were grounded and the reason sounded totally worth it. Even though there was no proper tea the description of the visit back to our other home and all that you did just made me feel like I was a part of it too. And yes, I always got your back in the forwarding business kiddo :)!

One day I texted you to fill up a form and you helped me out within minutes, with no hesitation! The next I ask you for your perfect clicks and please know my phone lock screen associates itself with your skills and ONLY your skills. The fire and flowers, the skies, and the sunsets just set my mood for the day as I see it to stop that loud alarm! What would I do without you? 

One day you put a message on the group giving a status update on a special someone. We all know of your abilities and rage, but I never knew I could nudge you into doing it from miles away! You know what you did and I just hope the action along with the looks will forever be imprinted on them. Proud of you a little bit extra now!

Until we are within hugging/ pinching/hitting/ annoying distance within each other, I hope this sweet little note will suffice!
When you're stuck with stupid electromagnetics lab reports in Delhi, or running to the rose cafe to hang out with your batchmates, when you're enjoying that chicken biriyani in Hyderabad, or just on your way to getting stuck on some other highway out here, when you're finally getting your Learner's license in Banglore, or trying new fun things and crossing your older limits I'll stand by and hear it all. I'll be there for you and someday hope to make it up for all the calls I miss, for all the texts I reply to late. I'm grateful for it all <3


Fairy tales put to rest

Has it ever happened to you, that you are in the thick of it all, the hustle, the chase, and you take a minute to breathe. When you do just ...