One Way Ticket

I see you've sent a long writeup about various things but what screams to me, what stands out dancing in a dull grey background are those three words. Those three words used to be a nightmare. Those three words are something so strong and hold such power over me. Those three words made me feel so special for a minute but left me crumbling the next.

Now the whole page is a painful reminder of the current situation. You begin with a list from your end and explain that everything that's happening is for your own safety and for everyone else involved. You beautifully apologized for all the inconveniences caused but you don't just stop there. No, you tell me to take proper care and to be safe. Bluntly, you tell me to heal and be responsible lest I pass on the pain of the disease to someone else. You even have the audacity to "suggest" to a lady the importance of punctuality and getting to places early. Of course, if history is our witness you're absolutely right on that part yet somehow I'll view it as you trying to control my day. You attempting to steal away from my precious "me time". I guess you've always had a knack for that!

I'm not gonna lie to you, this page hurts, these endless paragraphs of words hurt, and believe me I'm trying hard to cope with it all. They hurt me because it tells me I'll be leaving something that I've known for a long time. It nudges me to remember that I'm going past the familiar threshold and flying into the unknown. All that was once my everything, will soon be memories I'll look back at and try to keep up with. Sure, there are days when I cry for all that I'm being forced to leave behind, all the good times, all my beautiful memories but they seem to get balanced out with the excitement for something new and different. The hope of finding continuous strength to stick with it or find ways around it. The realization that maybe moving forward is neither the best nor the worst decision, but it's a decision I've made and something I'll have to live through.

Those three words that used to be a nightmare are now synonymous with adventure and darling if you've taught me anything, it's that I'm ready for this rollercoaster ride!


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